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Sitter Session & Tummy Time 

There are plenty of milestones to capture in your baby’s first year, but a sitter session is the perfect halfway point between the birth of your newborn and their first birthday. Sitter sessions can be done anytime after your baby is consistently sitting on his/her own for at least a few minutes at a time. For babies who aren't quite sitting yet at 6 months, we can do "tummy time" photos. 

Like any stage in your baby’s first year, the sitter stage will pass quickly as the move on to crawling and even walking. That’s why it’s so important to capture this new development: you’ll be amazed at how quickly your baby grows up and how easy it is to forget how small they used to be.

Unlike a newborn, a six-month-old will begin to show off their personality. Babies at this age are playful, curious and quick to smile! Photos from a sitter session often capture fun expressions that parents absolutely love. Plus, while your little one is able to sit up at this stage, they’re usually not yet able to crawl quickly away, allowing your photographer to capture some fun images of their sweet face!

Plus, the photos from your sitter session are fun to share with friends and family, whether online, in holiday cards or through gorgeous, high-quality products, like albums and wall art and can often be times with seasonal holiday themes. 

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