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Laugh as often you can,  Cry when you need to, Love with your whole heart & Dance like no one is watching!

We only get one trip around the sun, and I firmly believe that you should .surround yourself with people you love, experience life to the fullest and use your talents to bring joy to the world and a smile to the people whose lives you touch..   I genuinely enjoy life and  I am blessed to be able to share my gift with you. 


Local Girl    I am a  2nd  generation native Californian with Old Fashioned Southern roots, rich in family values and traditions.  I grew up in sunny San Diego and spent the summers of my youth on the Beach and Riding Horses. 

Nurse    I have a Master's Degree in Nursing  and  I work as a Maternal Child Nursing Administrator.  I can honestly say that I have loved every minute of being a maternity nurse.  It  never feels  like work to me.

Mom    I am momma to 5 wonderful  adult children. Babies have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I love  every minute of it! I am  so blessed to be a part of these powerful life-changing experiences  and sharing the legacy of timeless images with my clients and my family. 

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Creative      I am a self taught artist crafter and creative.   I believe that there is absolutely nothing you can't learn to do if you are motivated and you totally immerse yourself in it. 


Believer .I know that there is great hope and a plan for a glorious and joyful life (Jeremiah 11:29)..  I hope that you and your wonderful family  are part of it!


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